Nesting. Naming. Decorating. Gender revealing. There are so many fun ways to anticipate the arrival of a new baby, and we’re talking about all of them in this week’s podcast! Whether you’re expecting (congrats!) or just really love talking about baby names (Sarah raises hand), we think you’ll love Episode 74. Join us!
- Episode 38, all about our pregnancy and childbirth experiences, more from a healthcare/symptoms/physical perspective
- The Baby Name Wizard, Revised 3rd Edition: A Magical Method for Finding the Perfect Name for Your Baby (book by Laura Wattenberg)
- The amazing data tools at, like the The Baby Name Wizard, Revised 3rd Edition: A Magical Method for Finding the Perfect Name for Your Baby, which looks at name popularity and trends over time
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I love this conversation! TOTALLY with you, Sarah, I love naming babies and I would also love to have the job of naming people’s babies. It’s been 6 years since I named my 3 babies, but I could name 10 more babies, I just don’t want to have any more babies. Also a big fan of the Baby Name Wizard website and book, as well as the Beyond Jennifer and Jason book. Don’t remember the authors’ names. Fun!
Steph, we’re totally the same there! 🙂 And yes, I’ve heard of that book, and I think they even revised it now to “Beyond Addison and Aiden” (don’t quote me on the exact names) or something. Thanks for commenting!
I was the one who mentioned doing an episode about naming babies (instagram amponder15). I too love naming babies and hearing how others name their children. I just finished up the episode and related to so much. My only child is Jack Henry. He is the only Jack in his preschool class but there is a Jax and a Jackson so they call him Jack Henry. I live in Arkansas so the double name thing is fairly common but thankfully he is the only Jack Henry around. I’m also a teacher and had never had a Jack. I felt like so many names were vetoed due to students I’ve had. Once you associate a name with someone it’s hard to go that route.
Ashley, yay! I’m so sorry I didn’t give you credit. I forgot to go back through Instagram (also I’m glad I didn’t just imagine this, ha! :)). Thank you so much for commenting (also Jack Henry is a darling name ;)). xo
This was an incredible and perfectly timed episode. I just found out that I’m pregnant with baby #3 – a HUGE surprise. I needed to hear that not being excited in the beginning doesn’t mean we won’t love this baby and not being able to imagine our life without him or her. I’m still in the first trimester, nausea, etc. While this is my 3rd baby, my second is adopted, so this is my first pregnancy with children at home. SO hard!!! But naming has been fun for me already. And deciding whether to find out the gender. We didn’t with baby #1 and might want to this time. But we have one of each already, so waiting might be fun too. All the men in my husband’s family have D middle names, so he’s suggested Dragon for the middle name for this baby. I.can’t.even. 😉
Oh, wow! Congratulations and we’re so glad you liked the show. Hang in there with the nausea – NOT easy with two other kids at home (I have BEEN THERE). Enjoy all the fun stuff along the way!