Do you love giving gifts or sometimes stress over the obligation? Are you more of a spontaneous giver or a planner? And where does Receiving Gifts fall in your Love Languages? Meagan and Sarah discuss our own gift-giving personalities and quirks in this fun More Than Mom episode of The Mom Hour. Join us!
- We discussed The Five Love Languages
- Meagan gave Sarah a gift from Artsy Voice Print
- Sarah gave Meagan this heron print from Etsy shop MiaoMiaoDesign
- Sarah used Google Voice to collect voicemails and used Audacity to edit them together into an audio gift
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I agree wholeheartedly with Sarah about not wanting more “stuff” even if I receive it as a kind gesture as a gift. I would much prefer a nice card or, even better, an invitation to come over for dinner or coffee. I don’t like making “boo bags” and I cringe at all the plastic junk that comes home from parties and Valentine’s day at school. I am definitely a “grinch” about this but its because I know I am the one who will have to find it all a home or throw it out and know it will go into a landfill somewhere.