Thank you to everyone who mailed letters in from all over the world sharing words of solidarity and encouragement for other moms. We were blown away by your honesty, generosity, and beautiful writing.
We’ll be uploading every single letter to this page leading up to Mother’s Day. If you don’t see yours yet, be patient! You are welcome to share images from this page for the purpose of encouraging other moms, and please tag us if you do. We are @TheMomHour on Instagram and Twitter, and The Mom Hour on Facebook. You can also use the hashtag #TMHMothersDay to see other shared letters.
with love and gratitude,
Meagan and Sarah
PS: For press inquiries or permission to publish these images on your own site, please email us. To listen to the letters read aloud by some of your favorite podcasters, click the media player below, or check out Episode 101.
By participating in our Mother’s Day Challenge you’re acknowledging that your words may be shared with our community. Please sign your name however you’d like us to refer to you when we share your letter. Please do not include detailed or identifying personal information on the card itself if you don’t want it captured in a photograph. We are so grateful to you for encouraging other moms!