Introducing a new baby to a freshly-minted big sibling can be daunting, and it’s only the beginning of parenting siblings. Join Meagan and Edit Your Life’s Asha Dornfest, who are both now parenting teens and young adults, for a look back at how they managed new baby transitions with older siblings and how sibling relationships continue to evolve in new ways.
This episode is part of a host swap with our friends Asha and Christine of the Edit Your Life podcast. Hear Sarah talk about work-from-home productivity hacks in Episode 167 of Edit Your Life, available wherever you get your podcasts.

- Check out Sarah on Edit Your Life, chatting with Christine Koh about work-from-home productivity
- Hear Asha talk with Meagan about parenting older kids in Voices 31
- Asha was also a guest on our VERY FIRST Voices episode
- Asha referenced two books on parenting siblings, Siblings Without Rivalry, and How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, both by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (affiliate links)
- Check out Edit Your Life wherever you get your podcasts, or at They’re also on Instagram and Facebook
- Asha’s website, and her book, Parent Hacks
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