How do you model responsible behavior in front of your kids? In this episode, Meagan and Sarah discuss how adult drinking works in our families, and expand on the alcohol discussion to other ways we act as a role model for our kids and teens (spoiler alert: no one’s perfect).
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Listing to Ep2 today, really liking the topics and advice coming form you ladies. Sounds odd but currently all drinks are Beverages, if its meant for the kids is Water, Juice, Milk, ect. So far so good, DD knows if it’s a beverage it’s not for her. Just so there isn’t a big deal, she be tough in time and the importance and sends the message of knowing right and wrong. Weird but that the way it is for now. 🙂
HAHAH I should really listen to the whole hour then email. 🙂 I will re email my comments tomorrow once I’m done. 🙂