Camping with kids. You’re either doing it already… or you’re not. And if you’re not, is it because it seems intimidating? And a little, um, complicated? If so, let this be the summer you give it a try! As part of our campaign with Kimberly-Clark (more on that, below), we’re talking all about getting kids out into nature this summer – including camping! Meagan’s an expert and Sarah’s a newbie, so between them you’ll have lots to learn (and probably laugh at).
- This post on The Happiest Home about making camping easier – even for beginners
- Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv
- The Pie Iron Sandwich Cooker Meagan loves for campfire cooking
- This list from Mighty Girl featuring books about kids loving nature (not mentioned in the show, but discovered after we recorded!)
Camping With Kids (And Other Outdoor Adventures): Episode 08
Camping with kids. You’re either doing it already… or you’re not. And if you’re not, is it because it seems intimidating? And a little, um, complicated? If so, let this be the summer you give it a try! As part of our campaign with Kimberly-Clark (more on that, below), we’re talking all about getting kids out into nature this summer – including camping! Meagan’s an expert and Sarah’s a newbie, so between them you’ll have lots to learn (and probably laugh at).
- This post on The Happiest Home about making camping easier – even for beginners
- Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv
- The Pie Iron Sandwich Cooker Meagan loves for campfire cooking
- This list from Mighty Girl featuring books about kids loving nature (not mentioned in the show, but discovered after we recorded!)
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I just listened to this episode and was so happy to hear you say that you don’t let your kids play in your tent. I feel like such an un-fun parent but I am very strict about keeping that door shut and keeping dirt and bugs out. I cringe when we’re camping with people who let their kids constantly go in and out. We now have a camper which makes it much easier to keep those kinds of things under control but I still don’t let the kids play in there very much. Our children are 6 years, 4 years, and 2 year old twins. We’ve been camping since before children and even camped with the twins when they were 2 months old (in a camper and about half a mile from our house…but still). Camping used to be about ME having fun, playing games and relaxing. I’m still trying to adjust myself to it not being about me. It has to be about the kids enjoyment or I just get frustrated that I’m working way too hard on a ‘vacation’.
About Lyme disease – the 36 hour rule doesn’t make sense. All American posts on the subjects says what William (?) said. However, all Swedish rules say you get Borrelia (Lyme disease) in 24-36 hours and that you should remove the tick as soon as possible.
And even if you live in an area where the ticks don’t have Lyme disease-things you can still get TBE (I don’t know the English name, we also call it Tuberkulos if that helps). However, you can get vaccinated against that disease, and you really should if you live in an area with that kind of ticks.
My facts come mostly from being born (and now having a summer house) in the area of Sweden where there are the most ticks, and the most disease-carrying. I’ve been vaccinated since I was a kid.
Sorry about the spelling, I feel like I just made up a bunch of words…