Regression. Clinginess. Tantrums. Bedtime battles. Mood struggles. We’re hearing from moms all over the world about the toll that 2020 is taking on children, from toddlers up through teens. We’ve had so many posts and questions in our Facebook group that for this month’s Voices interview we decided to bring back Dr. Erin Lanphier, a child psychologist, therapist in private practice, and university professor. Dr. Erin chats with Sarah about these and other struggles kids are having right now, how to know when it’s time to act versus cut your kid a little slack, and what options are available for parents who want to seek outside support for behavioral or mental health struggles.
Feeding A Family When Things Are In Flux: Episode 268
No matter what’s going on in the world around you, the people need to eat. In Episode 268 of The Mom Hour, Meagan and Sarah break down the process of feeding a family when you’re going through a major life transition (or, say, a global pandemic). We talk about why meal plans are even MORE crucial in chaotic times, how to get fruits and veggies into the kids even when you’re serving up convenience food more often than you’d like, and how to stick to your “food values” even as you let some of your standards slide for a season.
Big Moves, Part Two (Prepping, Packing, Relocating): Episode 267
Moving while momming is no small task–and we’ve been there, trust us. Meagan has mastered the art of the DIY cross-town move to a new home with a whole bunch of kids; Sarah’s moves have been fewer and farther between, but also farther in distance and bigger in scope. Join us as we continue last week’s discussion about big moves and get into the details of actually packing up and relocating your family.
Big Moves, Part One (Dreaming, Planning, Deciding): Episode 266
Do you dream of packing up the family and moving somewhere new? Or starting fresh in a different home or neighborhood? Maybe the idea of a move isn’t yours, but has been introduced by a job change or prompted by family circumstance. In this first of a two-part series on big moves, Meagan and Sarah talk about fantasy moves, aspirational moves, and making the decision to actually move our families. We also look at all the considerations we’ve made when planning a big move–from schools and neighborhoods to house features and commute times. Whether you’re dreaming of a move or happy where you are, this is a fun one.
More Things We Shouldn’t Have Freaked Out About: Episode 265
In hindsight, was the worry worth it? That’s the question Meagan and Sarah are looking at in this week’s episode, as we bring back a popular series all about things that stressed us out as less experienced moms. From nutrition and discipline to kids’ friendships and developmental milestones, we look at the worries that kept us up at night and how it all turned out in the end.
Starting Small With Self-Reliant Living: Voices 49
For the first time in generations, many of us are reexamining how often we shop, where we get our groceries, and what household essentials we might be able to make at home instead of running out to buy. But this month’s Voices guest Kris Bordessa has been teaching families how to live more sustainably for years. Hear Meagan get Kris’s take on the bake-your-own-bread craze, why so many adults feel like they never really learned to cook, and how growing your own food or making soap doesn’t have to be overwhelming. They also discuss Kris’s new book, Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living.
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