Parents everywhere are now the overseers of their kids’ remote learning–in other words: Apparently we’re all homeschooling now? In this special bonus episode, Sarah chats with two seasoned homeschooling moms about how they manage schedules, what home learning looks like during stressful seasons, when to add more structure and when to back off, and more. This is the episode you need to approach home learning calmly, without putting pressure on yourself, and even with an attitude of fun. Enjoy!
This episode was recorded on March 18, 2020.
A NOTE ON EPISODES RELEASED DURING COVID-19: Things change so quickly these days–including recommendations for health and safety, as well as our own thoughts and feelings–so you may hear things that feel a bit dated if you’re catching up on older episodes. Just know that we’re experiencing this in real time just like you, and that we’re working hard to follow the latest recommendations for the safety of our families and our communities. We’re also working hard to bring you timely, relevant podcast episodes in a world that’s changing very quickly.
Links Sarah mentioned:
- Sarah’s essay Parents: Let’s not making temporary homeschooling a competitive sport.
- Our listener Facebook group
- Our page just for new listeners

Links Amy mentioned:
- Humility & Doxology, Amy’s blog
- Follow @humilityanddoxology on Instagram
- A Year of Memory Work, the poetry memorization project Amy documented on her blog
- Sarah mentioned this book: Poems To Learn By Heart
- Sarah also mentioned this book: The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction, by Meghan Cox Gurdon

Links Joy mentioned:
- Joy’s Nature Study Hacking resources
- Joy uses the iNaturalist app (Apple | Google Play) and Sarah’s family loves Seek, made by the same company (Apple | Google Play)
- Joy’s YouTube channel
- Follow @joycherrick on Instagram
- Arabian Nights
- Visit our website
- Check out deals from our partners
- Follow us on Instagram
- Join our private listener group on Facebook (be sure to answer the membership questions!)
- Sign up for our newsletter
Hello! What were the nature apps mentioned in this show? I can’t find them in the show notes. Thanks!
I was looking for the same thing!
Hi Stephanie, SO sorry! This episode came together so quickly we forgot to include those. They are iNaturalist (Joy mentioned) and Seek (I mentioned). They’re linked in the show notes now. Thanks for your patience!
Hi Sandy, SO sorry! This episode came together so quickly we forgot to include those. They are iNaturalist (Joy mentioned) and Seek (I mentioned). They’re linked in the show notes now. Thanks for your patience!
What is the name of the math app/website that was mentioned? I don’t see it in the notes. thanks!
I was also looking for this!