Meagan and Sarah both enjoy wine and cocktails, but coincidentally we both scaled back our drinking recently and have observations to share. We’re also wary of the pervasive “mommy needs a drink” trope and the way meme culture in general aims for cheap laughs with potentially harmful side-effects. Today’s episode gets into the gray area between carefree happy hour and full-blown addiction, and we talk honestly about the places alcohol and motherhood overlap.
- Sunday’s More Than Mom epsiode
- Aidan Donnelly Rowley and her blog posts on the dry life, her regular Instagram feed (which Sarah loves), her @drybeclub community, and her podcast EDIT
- Parenting With a Buzz: When Does Alcohol as Self-Care Become a Problem? (Kristen Mascia for Parents)
- How Mommy Drinking Culture Has Normalized Alcoholism For Women In America (Sarah Cottrell for Babble)
- #Winemom culture is about SO much more than wine—and we need to talk about it (Emily Glover for
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Sponsor Spotlight: Prep Dish

Prep Dish is a healthy subscription-based meal planning service designed to help you shop once, prep once, and enjoy wholesome, delicious meals that come together in minutes all week long. Sign up at to get your first 2 weeks FREE.
Sponsor Spotlight: Canvas People
How’s the holiday gift planning coming, mamas? Now you can give those hard-to-buy-for people on your list a beautiful piece of art with Canvas People. Get a 11×14 Canvas People print for FREE (you just pay shipping and handling) when you text MOMHOUR to 484848.
Sponsor Spotlight: FabFitFun
FabFitFun is a seasonal subscription box with full-size beauty, fitness, fashion and lifestyle products. Meagan and Sarah shared their excitement about the Winter box, which is shipping now! Boxes retail for $49.99 but always have a value over $200! Use coupon code THEMOMHOUR for $10 off your first box when you order at
Links we mentioned (or should have) in Episode 183:
- Sunday’s More Than Mom epsiode
- Aidan Donnelly Rowley and her blog posts on the dry life, her regular Instagram feed (which Sarah loves), her @drybeclub community, and her podcast EDIT
- Parenting With a Buzz: When Does Alcohol as Self-Care Become a Problem? (Kristen Mascia for Parents)
- How Mommy Drinking Culture Has Normalized Alcoholism For Women In America (Sarah Cottrell for Babble)
- #Winemom culture is about SO much more than wine—and we need to talk about it (Emily Glover for
I’m a Meagan! I listen but don’t always comment. Love you Meagan and appreciate your ability to be transparent.
Hi Meagan and Sarah- Love the honesty about drinking culture. Here’s the mommy-trope I can do without: the uptight PTA-Monster-Mom as punchline. My kids go to public school, I am on the PTA board, and if we didn’t work hard and fund-raise, all the kids at our school would go without art class, lots of technology, and other “extras.” I’ve met several of my best friends serving with the (very cool) moms and dads in PTA and booster club. I hear all the time “I don’t do committees” or “That’s just not me,” which is fine when folks are busy or just not into it… but some of the fear has to be due to the negative portrayal in all the “Fun Drunk Mom” movies and shows.