By popular request, we’re following up Episode 19 (Things We Shouldn’t Have Freaked Out About (As New Moms)) with a show all about the things that stressed us out when we were parenting toddlers. From potty training to introducing a sibling, we unpack our toddler-mom stresses and worries (with the added benefit of hindsight) in the hopes that we can help you worry just a little less. But first, we talked about the BEYOND retreat and invited you into our Instagram streams! Here are some of the photos we discussed.
- Episode 40 of The Home Hour, where Meagan and Sarah talk about discipline & toddlers (below are two links we talk about in much more detail in that episode than we were able to in this one)
- Without Spanking or Spoiling: A Practical Approach to Toddler & Preschool Guidance (Meagan’s recommended read)
- Aha! Parenting from Dr. Laura Markham (Sarah’s favorite online resource)A Snapshot in Time (Meagan’s Huffington Post essay about the classic moment pictured at the top of this post!)
- Why I Potty-Train The Easy Way (Meagan for
- What are – or were – your toddler-parenting stresses? Leave us a comment below so we can continue the conversation!
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This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I have 2.5 year old twins and have been feeling the potty pressure for a while. My daughter is pee trained (very easy, basically asked me to help her learn), but still working on the poop aspect. (Who knew poop was so hard?!) My son…..well, he shows no interest what so ever. I was debating about trying now anyway (see above potty pressure), but after listening to this podcast I feel so much better about following my gut and giving him some time. And now whenever I talk to yet another friend boasting about their potty trained toddler, I will remember this podcast and end the internal struggle. Thank you and I love this podcast.
Hey ladies, I want to start out by thanking you for all that you do, I’m a new Mom and was feeling sort of lonely being home all day, and then I found your podcast to keep me company. I have listened to all of the Mom Hour, Home Hour and, Style Hour so I’m all out of shows! Was wondering if you could possibly share some of your favorite podcasts in one of the “semi regular, regular ‘things we love'” segments you do. Thanks again!
Melissa, welcome! We’re so happy you’re here. That’s a great idea – we’re going to try to put something together with our favorite shows soon!