Routines are crucial to a happy mom life, but what happens when the same-old-same-old needs some shaking up? In this episode, the latest in our “More Than Mom” Hour series, Meagan and Sarah talk about the importance of trying new things as a mom – whether it’s a new hairstyle, new recipes, or a new workout routine – and what to do if you have a hard time breaking out of old habits. Enjoy!
- Sarah’s interview with Doña Bumgarner of Nurtured Mama
- Meagan’s interview with Erin Loechner of Chasing Slow
- Hobbies & Passions Outside Motherhood (Episode 43)
- More about PechaKucha
- Other More-Than-Mom Hour episodes
- The one where we talk about home decorating and dining out
- The one where we talk about books, podcasts, music, and summer style
- Sarah’s hot pink lip lacquer (Revlon Ultra HD Lip Lacquer in Pink Amethyst, via Amazon)
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One of you made the comment in the show that when your kids went to school you felt like you needed to flex the muscle of planning activities and filling school time and not letting that time be frittered away. I’m glad I’m not the only one! Sometime I feel like I waste the school day and then run around like crazy when the kids get home to get everything done that I need to do. I get jittery when I have an empty morning and sometimes I don’t feel like I don’t know where to start. Since I have recognized this problem I now try to have a set schedule with my whole day planned. This works most of the time, but then I have to remember to plan a little time to do nothing and take care of myself! =)