Climate change…oof. We’ve all heard of it, but it’s pretty tricky to talk about, right? Whether the topic feels too big or too complicated or maybe even futile to worry about, it’s a part of our lives and definitely will be a part of our kids’ lives.
Millennials and the adults of Generation Z have shown much higher levels of engagement surrounding issues of climate change compared to other, older generations. Through social media platforms and online content, young adults are getting more involved in climate action through protests, rallies, and individual actions (Pew Research, 2021). It’s reasonable to imagine Generation Alpha (those born between 2010 and mid 2020’s) will make climate action a large part of their lives, too.
While climate change can feel “world-ending” or “a problem the big companies and governments need to solve”, the efforts we make in our homes do make a difference on some small level, and the way I see it, fighting for the health of our only planet is worth any effort.
Children’s Books For Earth Day – And Every Day!
Spring your family into climate action this year by reading together one or more of the seven picture books below. Some books include tangible actions you can take as individuals and others are a nod to our beautiful Mother Earth and the impact populations can have on healing her. links are affiliate links, which means if you click through and make a purchase, we’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. At the same time, you’ll be directing resources toward independently-owned booksellers. Thanks!

This Class Can Save The Planet by Stacy Tornio
Not sure where to start with your family’s individual climate action? Get your inspiration from the very creative Classroom 217 with simple, actionable ways to support our environment.
We Are Better Together by Bill McKibben
Working together is going to be one of the most effective ways to combat climate change. In this beautifully illustrated story, the author inspires readers to embody their collective impact to protect the planet.

All We Need by Kathy Wolff
In a nod to simplicity, take a step back from our capitalistic society to consider all we really need in life. Journey with the author through acknowledging our most simple needs and learn what the final step is when we have all we need.
The Thing About Bees: A Love Letter by Shabazz Larkin
Do you or your little one feel frightened by bees? In this beautiful letter, a father shares with his son how valuable bees our to our environments and how kids are not all that different from the bees they fear.

One Earth by Eileen Spinelli
Readers first count up to ten, describing the wonders of our Mother Earth and then count back down to one with examples of ways to make a difference in keeping her healthy.
ABC Earth-Friendly Me by Christiane Ingel
Move through the alphabet with a rhythmic beat to learn about our planet and individual actions kids and adults can take to make a difference in caring for our one and only Earth.

The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
When one little boy notices his city is missing green spaces, he starts a small garden on the top of his apartment building. Much to his surprise, his simple, determined actions inspire a community.
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