Wondering what to give the little kids (think ages 4-6) in your life? We asked our contributor team to share what their own kids are asking for this year, and what they, as moms, like to give kiddos in this age group. Enjoy!

Yoto Player
“I’m getting my story-loving four-year-old a Yoto Player, which is a screen free audiobook player. I’m hoping it will encourage her to actually stay in her room during quiet time!”
–Katherine DeVries, @thepaperdart

“My kids (ages five and eight) love Warmies! They’re stuffed animals I can heat up, and they’re like mini-heating pads! You can also buy lavender-scented ones.They are just a fun, cozy thing to have! Sometimes when we are getting in the car on a chilly morning, we’ll heat them up and snuggle them while the car warms. Just a fun, cozy, comfort toy we love!”
–Ashley Schafluetzel @ashleydawn519

Buddha Boards
“Last year, we gifted the kids (ages three and five at the time) Buddha Boards — essentially a board that only requires water and a paintbrush to create art, and when the water dries the kids can do it again. It’s surprisingly therapeutic for adults too!”
–Emily Roark @emilyeroark

The Nugget Couch
“I know I’m behind on this popular gift, but I’ve been nervous it would be a present my kids would be excited about for a few days, then lose interest. But, I keep seeing The Nugget couch as a toy that kids continue to love over time and I think our three kids (ages 7, 5, and 1.5) will all be able to enjoy it this year.”
-Stacy Bronec @stacybronec

Dinosaur Sound Book and Toys
“If you have a dino-obsessed kiddo like I do, this Prextex Dinosaur and Dinosaur Sound Book is the perfect gift. The names of each of the plastic dinosaur figures can be found in the interactive sound book. My four-year-old loves reading the book, having imaginary playtime with his dinosaurs, or teaching us the dinosaur names that he’s learned from the book!”
–Emily Roark @emilyeroark

Magnetic Tiles & Plus Plus Blocks
“My son loves magnetic tiles and Plus Plus blocks! I love them because they encourage problem solving, STEAM skills, patience, fine motor practice, and they can be played with in a variety of ways! They’re great for kids who love Legos but maybe want to try something new. I have both in my kindergarten classroom and they are always chosen first!
-Ashley Schafluetzel @ashleydawn519
“My four-year-old twins love Magna-tiles. Lots of creative building!”
–Jennifer Carroll @twinningtheweekend

Pretend Work Tools
“My daughter loves tools and building so a wooden workbench or tool set has been on our list for a while. This is a gift that could work for toddlers kids too, if the parts are big enough to not pose a choking hazard. ”
-Sandy Hsu, @hopefulsmiles

Outfoxed! Board Game
“My four-year-old is obsessed with this Outfoxed! board game. It’s a cooperative game so we’re all working together, and it doesn’t end in tears.”
–Catie Parrish, The Mom Hour Brand Partnerships Manager and mom to three boys

Brio Train Set
“We got a Brio train set last year and LOVED it. We set it up in all different configurations, and my twins will play for hours. The set we got came with three different trains…so there is no fighting over the train!”
–Jennifer Carroll @twinningtheweekend

The Little Book of Joy: 365 Ways to Celebrate Every Day
“The Little Book of Joy: 365 Ways to Celebrate Every Day is a book I wrote (mostly during the pandemic!)–and it comes out this November. The book invites children and families to find and share joy every day of the year by noticing things in nature, learning about international foods and holidays, being inspired by famous people on their birthdays, connecting with others through arts and crafts, and simply enjoying a rainy day. The illustrations by Annelies Draws are really charming. I’m hoping kids and their grown-ups will enjoy the book throughout the year.”
-Joanne Ruelos Diaz, @joannerevising

Virtual Cooking Classes
“I was gifted a subscription to Raddish Kids, which is a virtual cooking class my daughter and I can do together. I would say four is probably the youngest age this makes sense for (my 2.5 year old wasn’t too into it), and they send directions, science-y cooking experiments and some tools in the mail prior to your class.”
–Katherine DeVries, @thepaperdart

Tea Set
“One of the best gifts we ever got was a high-quality tea set from my mom to my daughter at around age 4. The tea set was made for children (similar to this one), but ceramic (aka breakable!) which made it feel that much more special. But the best part was that my mom supplemented the set with a handful of additional items she found at the thrift store: a “crystal” flower vase, a little bell (to ring for tea time!) and a small embroidered tablecloth. Those extra touches made the whole thing so much more fun.”
-Sarah Powers, The Mom Hour Co-Host and Executive Producer

A Narwhal And Jelly Book Series
“A Narwhal and Jelly book series is so cute for this age group. My five-year-old and I read the books aloud playing the characters: He’s Narwhal and I’m Jelly. There are adorable box sets available and some come with little plush toys.”
-Joanne Ruelos Diaz, @joannerevising

Child-sized Travel Gear
“For families that travel a lot, a quality child-sized suitcase/duffel bag would be fun! I have been eyeing the gorgeous luggage sets from Sweet Honey Clothing for my daughter.”
-Sandy Hsu, @hopefulsmiles

Magformers Magnetic Toys
“We LOVE these Magformers for toddlers-up to any age really! We have collected sets over the years and my kids still LOVE to play with them. They are really sturdy and you can’t crack them when walking on them (an issue we had with magnatiles).”
-Joanna Martin @cafedumartin
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