For more peace and purpose in your mom life, consider a mantra! Today Katie Gouldner and Catie Parrish dive into the enchanting world of mantras—what they are, how to create one that fits your current motherhood era, and how to weave it into your daily routine. We’ll share feel-good examples, simple tips, and ways to make your mantra an anchor throughout your day. Whether you’re stepping into a new season or just craving a little more balance, we’ll help you embrace the year ahead with calm, clarity, and confidence.
Goal-Setting That Works For YOU (And Doesn’t Make You Feel Bad)
With nearly a year of “everything’s cancelled!” behind us, and facing down an early 2021 of “Who knows?”, we’ve all learned a couple things: Truth #1: We all need to set goals and make plans to stay on course and keep working toward our deepest priorities, especially when life is unpredictable. Truth #2: When life is unpredictable, it feels really hard to set goals. How do we make these two realities jive?
The solution: goal setting with a big dose of self-awareness and self-empathy. As 2020 taught us, things aren’t always going to look exactly the way we plan, but that doesn’t mean goal-setting is cancelled! From our personal finances to family priorities; hobbies and household projects to travel (what?!) and extracurricular activities, Sarah and Meagan are here with a real-life conversation about goal-setting that will meet you where you are and help you plan what you can – while allowing a lot of flexibility for the things that may change along the way.
Little Steps, Big Leaps, & Setting Intentions As A Mom: Episode 190
With New Year energy buzzing, it’s easy to get excited about overhauling every area of your life from parenting to home to work and play. Continuing the conversation we started last week about choosing a word for the year, Meagan and Sarah tackle practical ways to keep your intentions, goals, and resolutions top of mind when real life resumes. Whether you resist goal-setting or love it, we’re looking at approachable ways to continue that January 1st mojo well into the year.
We’re Not “Word Of The Year” Types…Or Are We? Episode 189
Seems like everybody chooses a “word of the year” nowadays, and we’re conflicted. Both Meagan and Sarah can be trend-averse and skeptical of fads…but we’re also all-in on self-reflection and anything that gives moms a chance to prioritize their happiness and fulfillment. So in Episode 189, our first of the new year, we discuss the WOTY phenomenon and agree to give it a try in 2019. Listen to find out what words we’re considering and why!
December Intentions For Busy Moms: 2018 Holiday Special #2
This year’s December doesn’t have to be like last year. Join Meagan and Sarah as we set intentions for the busy holiday month ahead, everything from little ways to find joy in the messes to bigger stuff about changing traditions. It’s another Holiday Bonus episode of The Mom Hour!