Being sandwiched between the littles and the grandparents who love them isn’t always easy – and there’s no one right way to do it! Today we’re tapping into the tips, advice and wisdom of our community on a topic we’ve had a lot of request for: facilitating and nurturing grandparent-grandkid relationships. In this Episode, Meagan and Sarah share practical things moms can do to facilitate the relationships we want our kids to have with their long-distance and in-person grandparents. We talk through your ideas for using modern technology to help kids connect with grandparents, making time with grandparents extra special, and how to encourage the one-on-one bonding with less of a presence from mom and dad.
Mom-Life On A Homestead: Voices 81 With Kendra Martin
If you’ve been listening to this podcast for any length of time you know that Meagan’s harbored some serious homesteader fantasies since her early 20s. Nearly 25 years after Meagan’s oldest was born, she’s finally living outside the city limits, and slowly making her “Little House on the Prairie homestead dreams” from long ago come true (well, sort of!). In this episode, Meagan interviews Kendra Martin from the Homesteady Podcast about how she lives off of 100 acres of land with her husband and six children. Kendra shares how she manages to homestead AND homeschool and what their family has in store for their future.
OMG We’re Sick AGAIN?!: Episode 389
Million dollar sick-kid question: “are they going to school today, or not?”! After two fall seasons impacted by pandemic schooling in all kinds of ways, Fall 2022 appears to be The One Where The Children Are Sick ALL THE TIME. In today’s episode Sarah and regular contributor Jayme validate (and commiserate) about the plight of kids picking up every possible virus this fall, and offer practical tips for managing kids home with common childhood illnesses. (In addition to having a toddler and a preschooler, Jayme is also a nurse by training and a physician-spouse, so she comes with some legit background…and lots of real talk.) Hang in there, mamas! You are not alone in your wellness struggles, and hopefully next fall will be a little less hard!
More Than Mom: Partners & Personalities
It’s no secret that Meagan and Sarah can both get pretty into personality tests, particularly the Enneagram. In this fun More Than Mom we have an in-depth conversation about personalities in general (not just the types and tests!), especially as they relates to our significant others (and how they do or do not mesh with ours at times). We discuss how our different personalities play out in our relationships, the ways we reframe our differences, and reflect on our own challenging personality traits.
Holiday Hills To Die On (And How To Let Go A Little): Episode 388
From Halloween through New Year’s we’re given opportunities to create new traditions and fulfill holiday wishes – sometimes of our own design and, increasingly as kids get older, sometimes at our kids’ behest. This week Meagan and Sarah talk about the bell curve of holiday parenting: the early influence we have over just how things look and what fun is had, the middle dip as we learn to let go and kid-life dominates, and then the later years when we get to reclaim some control and design a season for our own desires. None of it is all-good or all-hard; but it changes over time and we’re here for your pre-holidays 2022 motherhood pep talk – wherever you find yourself on that curve.
Sleep Challenges, (Mostly) SOLVED: Episode 387
From bedtime fears to big kid bed transitions, nightwaking big kids and second thoughts about co-sleeping, we’ve covered a lot of sleep challenges over the years. Today we’re bringing together some of the most common pain points our listeners have brought to us about SLEEP, complete with updated commentary and a fresh take on what sleep challenges are like with tweens and teens.
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