What does “stranger danger” really mean (and is that the best way to phrase it for our kids)? In Episode 13, Meagan and Sarah talk about giving our kids tools and information to make them safer and more capable as their independence increases.
What Does ‘Free-Range Parenting’ Really Look Like? Episode 12
We want our kids to grow up independent, resourceful, and confident. We also care about their safety. So where’s the balance between letting them go and protecting them? And what happens when our ‘risk-tolerance’ is out of synch with the neighborhood norms? Meagan and Sarah discuss all this and more in Episode 12. This is part one in a two-part series on free-range parenting – be sure to check back next week for the continuation of our discussion!
Your Kids Are Getting Older. Now What? Episode 11
What happens when your kids are all in school, or the overwhelmingly in-your-face years of early motherhood are behind you? Have you thought about what kind of creative hobbies you’ll return to, what your career will look like, or what that available time will mean for your “non-mom self”? In Episode 11 Meagan shares her perspective as a mom on the other side of the trenches (while Sarah asks questions and listens from her place still in them). We talk about the shift that happens when kids get older and need us a little less – how it’s both liberating and also a little sad and scary – and about the obstacles some women face as they navigate these “beyond baby” years.
We Hate Fun! (Okay, Not ALL Fun): Episode 10
Confession: We don’t LOVE playing make-believe with our kids. Or pushing them on the swings. Or reading Dr. Seuss. But guess what? We’re kind of OK with that. In Episode 10, Meagan and Sarah confess the things they sort of hate doing with their kids – and also share some of the things they love doing. Turns out, we don’t have to love it all – because there’s plenty to enjoy about spending time with your kids (even if you avoid Chutes & Ladders like the plague).
Two White Moms Talk Awkwardly About Race: Episode 09
We aren’t sure we’re saying the right things here. But after the events in Charleston earlier this month, we’re sure about one thing: silence isn’t an option. In Episode 9, Meagan and Sarah discuss race and racism, talking with kids about differences, and some of the reasons that, according to research, white parents avoid talking about race with their children.
Camping With Kids (And Other Outdoor Adventures): Episode 08
Camping with kids. You’re either doing it already… or you’re not. And if you’re not, is it because it seems intimidating? And a little, um, complicated? If so, let this be the summer you give it a try! As part of our campaign with Kimberly-Clark (more on that, below), we’re talking all about getting kids out into nature this summer – including camping! Meagan’s an expert and Sarah’s a newbie, so between them you’ll have lots to learn (and probably laugh at).