Digital task mastery, pen and paper planning, and keeping the family organized: no two moms do this exactly alike – even those of us who love to plan and organize! In our first interview episode of 2022, Sarah Powers sits down with fellow planner people Christine Koh and Sarah Hart-Unger to discuss our favorite digital resources, pen-and-paper tools, and methods of staying organized at work, home, and school. We get into the nitty gritty of color coded everything, what works and what doesn’t for our personalities, and how we use planning tools to avoid over-scheduling and leave white space for joy and (gasp!) even spontaneity.
Parenting Outside The Lines: Voices 66 With Meghan Leahy
From toddler tantrums to big kid anxiety, parents feel so much pressure to tackle these challenges in the right way. Are we expecting too much from our kids . . . and ourselves? In our latest Voices interview episode, Sarah has a conversation with Meghan Leahy, parenting expert and author of a new book, Parenting Outside the Lines. In her signature honest and humorous tone, Meghan shares some valuable insights about what’s going on behind common kid behavior phases. She also reminds us all that WE are the best experts in our kids and that holding empathy for both our kids AND ourselves is the key to combatting perfectionism.
Raising An Elite Athlete (Including An Olympic Figure Skater!): Voices 65 With Kelly Rippon
From travel sports teams to competitive dance, elite kids’ activities and their impact on family life often get a bad rap. In this month’s Voices interview episode Meagan chats with Kelly Rippon, author of Parent Up: Inspire Your Child To Be Their Best Self and mother of former US champion figure skater Adam Rippon. Kelly shares a much more encouraging side of being an “opportunity creator” for your kids, including her unique perspective as a single mom of many now-grown kids, all of whom were accomplished and active in extracurriculars.
Inside The Morning Hustle: Voices 64 With Lisa Payne & Ashley Schafluetzel
Ever wondered how other moms get everybody up, ready, fed, and out the door with all their parts and pieces? We think it’s fascinating to peek behind the curtain at different families’ routines and rituals, so in today’s episode Sarah chats with two moms from our Contributor team. Lisa is a full-time working single mom of four kids (at three schools!) who has great ideas for keeping mornings calm, making time for herself, and giving kids increasing independence as they grow. Ashley is a kindergarten teacher and mom of two kids, one with Cerebral Palsy, so mornings present a different set of challenges in her house. Find out what’s working well so far this fall for Lisa’s and Ashley’s families, how they’re dealing with setbacks, and what they’ve learned works for them when it comes to morning routines.
Preparing For Disaster (Without Scaring Your Family): Voices 62 With Red Cross VP Jennifer Pipa
Wildfires, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes; home emergencies, local disasters and national crises. These aren’t things we love to think about, but they do have one thing in common: having a plan and talking about it as a family can bring peace of mind and even save lives. In this month’s Voice interview Sarah chats with Jennifer Pipa, Vice President of Disaster Programs for the Red Cross. With an emphasis on making disaster preparedness practical for busy families, applicable no matter where in the world you live or what risks your natural climate brings, and as un-scary as possible for little kids, Jennifer is full of tips and information to help you up your preparedness this summer.
Running Marathons & Raising Boys: Voices 61 with Lindsey Hein
Lindsey Hein is a lifelong runner with more than 16 marathons to her name, including several Boston Marathon finishes. She’s also mom to four busy boys, ages two to eight, and host of a popular podcast for runners. In this month’s Voices episode Lindsey chats with Meagan about training for races with four little kids, how her podcasting side hustle grew into a network of shows (including a parenting podcast!), and why she made the tough decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy after finding out she was positive for the BRCA 2 gene mutation when her oldest son was 16 months old.
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