For those who love to plan ahead, the past year has been a huge challenge–and the shiny promise of a brand new year feels a little lackluster as we look toward 2021. Is planning and goal-setting permanently on hold, shuttered just like schools and gyms and concerts? Sarah Hart-Unger says no. Our first Voices interview episode of 2021 features two Sarahs: host Sarah Powers chats with guest Sarah Hart-Unger about how to approach planning and goal-setting this year. We talk about the importance of reflecting on 2020, even though it didn’t go as planned, how to “pandemic-proof” your goals for 2021, and why the annual exercise of looking back and looking forward is still valuable. Sarah also answers your listener questions on the nitty-gritty of planning and goal setting.
Hopes For An Uncertain Year: Episode 293
Meagan and Sarah tiptoe very cautiously into the waters of futurecasting in today’s episode, still through the hazy, cheese-filled lens of that strange week between Christmas and New Year’s. We talk about where our kids and home lives will be one year from now and what that means for the evolution of our family units. We meditate on all that was stripped away in 2020, and when and how it may start to return in the coming year. And we also share the things we’re MOST excited to return to post-pandemic, as well as a few things we don’t ever need to go back to the way they were.
Acknowledging Holidays Present (Truth Talk About Where We Are This Season): Episode 292
Last week the ghost of holidays past took us on a tour of our past lives as moms of littles during the Christmas season. This week, as we continue the loosest of adaptations of A Christmas Carol, Meagan and Sarah sit with the reality of the present moment. We talk about how this holiday season will differ from the 2020-that-could-have-been, and about how things have changed as our kids have grown, with or without a global crisis. As we head into the final few days before Christmas, we also share some of the small details about what our homes and lives are like right now, in an effort to capture–and even be grateful for–the present moment.
December Spotify Playlist: Moms Don’t Let Other Moms Run Out Of Podcasts
For our final playlist of 2020, we’re featuring creators who are making great content for moms and women, and whose podcasts deserve wider discovery.
Remembering Holidays Past: Episode 291
In our very own motherhood-inspired take on A Christmas Carol, Meagan and Sarah are visited by the ghost of holidays past for today’s episode. Join us as we peek in at our younger-mom selves by sharing moments and memories from years gone by. There are gift mishaps, angry pregnant lady meltdowns, Christmas tree disasters, and convenience store dinners–all shared to help you remember that no matter what goes down this month, someday it will be but a memory.
More Than Mom: Holiday Food Traditions
From spiced nuts to festive cocktails, traditional meat-and-sides dinners to nostalgic or cultural throwbacks, holiday menus are wide open for interpretation. In this More Than Mom episode, Meagan and Sarah chat about the holiday food memories we carry from childhood, how those patterns changed as we formed our own families, and what a typical Christmas Eve and Christmas Day meal looks like these days. We share favorites and recipes, along with family quirks and fuzzy memories; it’s a fun one!
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