There are big benefits to getting kids outside as much as possible. But as a mom to young kids, it can feel intimidating to curate the perfect outside experience for them (and you)! In this Voices episode, Meagan chats with regular contributors Jayme Sherrod and Jennifer Carroll about ways to weave nature into your family’s routine. Both Jennifer and Jayme love the outdoors, but their approaches to getting outside with young kids are very different; listen to get their best tips and must-have gear for successful outdoor family adventures. Whether you are looking for encouragement to take baby steps to get kids outside regularly or some inspiration to try bigger adventures, you’ll love this conversation.
Potty Training: Third Time’s The Charm?
I am making progress in my patience and need to control everything and he is making progress in pooping in the potty more often than not. One day, we WILL get there. There will come a day when he goes to the bathroom and I don’t even ask if he wants to put a sticker on his sticker chart. He will become self-sufficient and grow and these experiences will fade into funny memories. Memories that will definitely be shared one day when I attend a baby shower as a veteran mom letting a new mom know all that is to come after the baby’s first year.
Talking About Our Own Kids. Or Not: Episode 364
As moms, we are our kids’ biggest fans. But when it comes to deciding when, how and what to share about them with others, the struggle is real. In today’s episode, Meagan and Sarah discuss how talking about our own kids in a public forum gets tricky as they get older (think bigger kids, bigger problems) – and not just for the reasons you might think. Join us for a real conversation about navigating the ever-changing seasons of motherhood and how we think you can be honest and authentic without sharing *everything* going on inside your four walls. We wrap up with some updates on our specific kids (all eight!).
5 Ways I Stay Sane As A Mom On Family Vacations
When my husband and I took a 19-hour road trip to Disney World when our oldest was seven months old, we quickly learned that the days of packing light and lying by the pool were over. We came home from that vacation cranky, tired and feeling like we needed a vacation. (That’s a sentence that might only make sense to parents who’ve traveled with children!) That vacation didn’t deter us from taking others, though, and as we’ve added two more kids to our family we continue to love traveling. The memories we make are well worth the stressful situations and over the years, through trial and error, I have learned how to stay sane and have fun while traveling with kids!
She Only Knows “Pandemic Mommy”
After a particularly hard day of parenting, and a few tears shed in front of my husband, he reminded me that no parent of young kids has ever done this before. The guilt that I feel is not necessary. I am doing the best that I can, and this is all my daughter knows. She doesn’t know what life was like before this time, so there’s no reason to compare. For every hard moment, the past two years have been equally filled with good times and special memories that wouldn’t have been made otherwise.
Mothering Other People’s Kids: Episode 352
Whether you’ve known them since they were babies or they’re part of a crew always hanging out at your house, there’s a special relationship that can form between you and kiddos that aren’t your own. In today’s episode, Meagan and Sarah are chatting about the “mom vibe” we’re going for, little ways we adjust behavior (both kids’ AND ours), and what happens if a child isn’t a great fit for our fam. Meagan also shares what it’s like to cultivate meaningful connections with teenagers and grown nieces and nephews. So get comfy, and join us for this heartwarming episode . . . Meagan’s passing out blankies, and Sarah’s got the good snacks!
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