Shopping mindfully or practicing conscious consumerism can be a powerful way to show our support to struggling or underrepresented businesses this holiday season. It can also be, to use a phrase we lean on more and more these days, A LOT. It’s a lot to think about, it can be overwhelming to navigate, and it definitely can put strain on your budget. In today’s episode, Meagan and Sarah discuss where we our in our own shopping priorities, what we’d like to do more of this holiday season, and how we’ve practiced mindful shopping recently. We also talk through some specific purchases we’ve made through small online retailers recently, as a way to get your creative wheels turning. Join us!
Shopping mindfully or practicing conscious consumerism can be a powerful way to show our support to struggling or underrepresented businesses this holiday season. It can also be, to use a phrase we lean on more and more these days, A LOT. It’s a lot to think about, it can be overwhelming to navigate, and it definitely can put strain on your budget. In today’s episode, Meagan and Sarah discuss where we our in our own shopping priorities, what we’d like to do more of this holiday season, and how we’ve practiced mindful shopping recently. We also talk through some specific purchases we’ve made through small online retailers recently, as a way to get your creative wheels turning. Join us!
- If you want more episodes discussing Enneagram, check out Personalities, Part 1 (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram & Introversion / Extroversion), Personalities, Part 2 (Our Myers-Briggs & Enneagram Types & More), and Knowing Yourself As A Mom
- Sarah mentioned for shopping Indie bookstores online
- Sarah’s recent Etsy purchases include this handcrafted leather valet tray, a hanging planter basket, these fun surprise mugs, and a pom-pom play canopy
- Sarah’s recent Minted purchases include a cute weekender tote, fabric napkin sets, and these beautiful mother/child prints by Kate Ahn
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