Meagan opens up about dating as a divorced mom after being partnered up for the better part of two decades, and Sarah has many questions. If you’ve ever wondered about dating apps, dating as a single parent, or starting a relationship with someone you’ve already Googled, this More Than Mom episode takes us all behind the scenes. Enjoy!
- I Swiped Right For Your Dog: Adventures In Dating Apps (Meagan’s PechaKucha talk from 2017)
- Bumble and Tinder
- We mentioned Enneagram personality tests, which we’ve discussed recently in Episode 203 and also in Episodes 57 and 58
- If you want to take the Enneagram test, we like this free one from and we prefer the 9 Type Descriptions found at
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Thank you so much for finally talking about single Moms and dating!! It’s so hard. After almost 2 years of being a single mom, and a solo pregnancy, I’ve met an amazing man…but not without the craziness of dating as a Mom. Thanks for sharing your story! PS: totally met my amazing boyfriend off of Bumble.