With all the day-to-day planning required to run a household, it’s easy to put longterm planning on the back burner. Today Meagan and Sarah share lessons we’ve learned (or are still learning) that help us look ahead at a whole year, quarter, or month at a time. From knowing ourselves and our seasonal rhythms to figuring out where they keep next year’s school calendar, we’ve picked up a few things over the years, and we’re ready to dive in for 2023. Join us!
The Laundry Awards! Episode 398
Laundry is is a constant: it’s truly with us every day, week, and month of the year. In this first episode of 2023, Meagan and Sarah focus in on the laundry systems and strategies that are working (or not) in our homes, plus our favorite products, the grossest things we deal with, what’s great (and weird) about our laundry rooms, and how seasons of life change the challenges of keeping up with the laundry. If you wear clothes – or live with people who do – this episode is for you.
I Bought A Treadmill Desk And Yes, It’s As Life-Changing As The TikTok Influencers Claim
I’ve been working from home for over a decade, and I know that staying active really benefits my mental health, as well, of course, my physical health. So I decided to see if I could pull off the treadmill desk trend I’d been seeing on TikTok. I’m a health writer who does a lot of research for work, so I had some serious doubts if a treadmill desk would actually work for me—but I am happy to report, it absolutely does and I am so happy I made the investment. Here are seven things I learned in trying the treadmill desk trend, including how it’s benefited me personally and some things you should consider before buying one for yourself.
More Than Mom: 2022 Goals & Intentions (What We Said, How It Went & Where Life Surprised Us)
While there’s a lot of value in setting goals and intentions at the start of a new year (and in revisiting and tracking progress throughout the year), sometimes the intentions we set months ago aren’t serving us the way we had hoped. In this More Than Mom episode, Meagan and Sarah revisit what we said we wanted to do and ways we hoped to grow in 2022, reflect on how we’ve done so far, and share how some intentions shifted over time. We also realize that sometimes life surprises us with growth we hoped for…just not in the way we thought it might happen. And that is OKAY.
Cultivating A Reading Life: Voices 73 With Amy Clark
Has your reading life come to a screeching halt due to the responsibilities of motherhood? In this month’s Voices interview, Meagan welcomes back blogger, podcaster, and book club leader Amy Clark, to discuss how a busy mom can take small steps to create a readerly life. We discuss all the hacks for finding the time to dive back in (think TikTok’s #sundayreset for inspiration!) and a neat tool for finding the perfect book to match your mood. Amy also shares how reading can help you “find your people” during your current season of life. This episode is for anyone looking to fit more reading into their lives (in little and big ways).
More Than Mom: Looking At Our 2022 Intentions (Gently, With Curiosity)
Now that we’re officially IN the new year, we’re thinking about our hopes and goals for 2022. From physical health to mental health, habits to focus areas, heavy stuff to totally frivolous, Meagan and Sarah share the ways we want to challenge ourselves this year, ways we want to go easier on ourselves, and the ways we plan to invest both in our own growth and in others around us. We’ll be revisiting this topic to see how we’re doing in about six weeks, so be sure to check back in!