Rebekah struggles with a culture of “husband bashing” and negativity in her local mom circles. Ainsley wonders how she and her husband will handle being outnumbered once their third child arrives. Candice wants to feel seen in all she does for her family – prompting Meagan and Sarah to explore different kinds of invisible labor and unpack the work we sometimes assign ourselves. And Amanda asks us to give an update on our current food values. In Episode 461, Meagan and Sarah take these questions from our community and offer tips and validation.
5 Baby Steps To Get Your Family Started With Backyard Composting
For years, I strategically avoided taking the leap to start a compost pile in my backyard. And guess what? It doesn’t stink, attract animals, or require that much effort. I want to help you and your family give this compost thing an honest go, too. Let’s dig in!
Snacks Or Ingredients? What’s Inside Our Pantries: Episode 403
A peek into pantry cupboards reveals a lot about how a family lives and the season of life they’re in. Today Meagan and Sarah open our own pantry doors and chat about what we see: from dry goods staples to kid-approved snacks and some things that are “just for mom,” we’ve got small joys and pesky frustrations in the pantry – just like any other area of the house! We also discuss the “ingredient household” TikTok trend that has moms reflecting on how they grew up and how they’re feeding their families.
8 Kitchen Gadget Gift Ideas For Home Cooks & Hobby Bakers
When I think about my day-to-day life as a mom, I’m pretty sure that I spend 70% of my day
A Week Of Real-Life Lunch Packing: Episode 385
Now that school routines are underway, we’re going deep into the details of lunch packing – with the help of our team! In Episode 385 Meagan and Sarah call on the experience, perspective and real-life lunch packing advice of five moms from around the country, whose lunch-eating kids range in age from two to sixteen. We touch on lunch packing pain points, tried-and-true ideas for each food group, and some of our must-have lunch packing accessories. We hope that a peek inside the bento boxes of other families will both validate that you’re already doing a great job (yes, even if you send the same thing every day!) AND infuse your lunch packing with some easy new ideas.
What’s In Our Fridge & Freezer Right Now: Episode 381
Is your fridge neat and tidy inside with organized compartments, or is it more like a game of Tetris? Taking a peek into someone’s fridge can tell a lot about the season of life they’re in, and in today’s episode, Meagan and Sarah are opening ours for you! We cover the things we love and hate about the fridge models themselves, the items inside that make us cringe, what see in the fridge that makes us feel proud, and much more! Plus, Meagan looks for advice about how to better utilize her garage fridge, Sarah shares a meal prep fail, and we play a fun game of “in the fridge or on the counter” for food staples in our homes.
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